20 September 2022
New executive leadership team structure announced

Synlait Milk Limited (Synlait) Chief Executive Grant Watson has today announced changes to the structure of the company’s executive leadership team.
Refreshed strategy update – the context for today’s changes
Grant Watson and his executive leadership team have refreshed Synlait’s strategy with the Board in recent months. The refreshed strategy will deliver greater focus against Synlait’s core business opportunities being Advanced Nutrition, Ingredients, Consumer (including Dairyworks) and Foodservice. The refreshed strategy will be shared with shareholders at Synlait’s full year result on 26 September 2022.
New executive leadership team structure
Positions in the new executive leadership team consist of:
• Chief Financial Officer (Robert Stowell)
• CEO Dairyworks and Director of Consumer (Tim Carter)
• Director of Operations (Nigel Macdonald)
• Director of Quality, Regulatory and Laboratory (Suzan Horst)
• Director of People and Culture (Boyd Williams)
• Director of Ingredients (to be confirmed)
• Director of Advanced Nutrition (to be confirmed)
• President China and Director of Foodservice (to be confirmed)
• Director of On-Farm Excellence and Business Sustainability (to be confirmed)
• Director of Strategy, Innovation and Corporate Affairs (to be confirmed)
Today’s changes enable a greater focus on the Ingredients and Advanced Nutrition businesses and introduce a dedicated Foodservice business to provide increased emphasis on this channel and the China market. The President China and Director of Foodservice role will be based in Shanghai.
The Director of On-Farm Excellence and Business Sustainability, elevates milk supply to the executive leadership team. The role will concentrate on the critical importance of milk supply, on-farm excellence, and sustainability to ensure Synlait’s milk pool remains highly competitive, while continuing to accelerate the company towards its sustainability targets on and off farm.
Aligned across all business units, a new role Director of Strategy, Innovation and Corporate Affairs has been created. It will be responsible for strategy development, integrated business planning, Innovation, and Corporate Affairs.
The Director Legal, Risk and Governance, Director Strategy and Business Transformation, Director Sustainability, Brand, Beverages and Cream, and Director Nutritionals and Ingredients roles have been disestablished. Two new roles, Head of Legal, Risk and Governance and Head of Information Services, have been created and will report to the Chief Financial Officer, Robert Stowell.
Synlait is working with staff who have been impacted. Executive leadership team appointments will be announced to the market as they are made. Changes are effective from 1 September 2022.
For more information contact:
Hannah Lynch
Head of Corporate Affairs
P: +64 21 252 8990
E: hannah.lynch@synlait.com