29 April 2013
Innovative Dairy Companies Form Partnership to Boost Exports

Two of New Zealand’s most innovative dairy companies are forming a partnership to boost exports to one of the world’s fastest growing consumer markets.
Synlait Milk will next month despatch the first consignment of a2® Platinum™ infant formula destined for mothers and infants in China. a2 milk™ contains only the A2 version of the beta casein protein which is more comparable to protein that mothers naturally produce than other versions of the beta casein protein found in standard milk.
Synlait Milk will be processing a2 milk™ from 10 suppliers from August this year and will further expand production to meet the requirements of A2 Corporation when a2® Platinum™ infant formula becomes available to mothers in New Zealand and Australia later this year.
Synlait Milk General Manager Nutritionals Tony McKenna says that on current projections a2 milk™ from certified herds will grow to be 8 per cent of the Company’s supply.
“Synlait is unique in the way our supply base is structured to deliver the right type of milk to meet specialised demand. Our plant is also unique in that we can keep specialised milks separate and process each run to meet the exacting specifications for high value end products.”
“Integrity is in the makeup of every Synlait Milk product. It’s a core value we share with A2 Corporation whose business is founded on delivering the healthiest and best tasting milk and dairy products particularly for those consumers who have digestive discomfort issues with ordinary milk.”
“Integrity begins with our suppliers and is marked by excellence all the way through to the delivery of products to our customers. Our suppliers are some of New Zealand’s best. They are progressive and innovative in their approach with modern large scale farms that allow them to easily isolate and segregate a2® herds. We expect many of our suppliers to achieve the internationally accredited ISO 65 certification through our Lead with Pride programme which hallmarks excellence and sustainability throughout all aspects of their operations. Those suppliers will be the first in Australasia to gain ISO 65 accreditation.”
A2 and Synlait have been working together for 18 months on the production of a2® Platinum™ infant formula and other a2® ingredients.
A2 Corporation Chief Executive Officer Geoff Babidge says Synlait’s commitment to excellence and supply chain integrity were important foundation stones for the partnership.
“In Synlait Milk, A2 has a supplier able to meet the exacting specifications for a2® Platinum™ infant formula and other a2® milk powders and with a supply base that is able to grow to meet the demand for a2® dairy products. There will be benefits for the suppliers and stakeholders of both our companies as consumers come to appreciate the easy digestibility and health benefits of a2® dairy products.”
For more information please contact:
Michael Wan
Marketing and Communications Manager
P: +64 27 288 8253
E: michael.wan@synlait.com