12 July 2018

Synlait (NZX: SML; ASX: SM1) has signed the CEO Climate Change statement released today by the Climate Leaders Coalition.
Synlait’s signature reiterates their bold sustainability commitments announced on 28 June 2018 to reduce their emissions footprint significantly over the next decade.
The Climate Leaders Coalition is made up of sixty CEO’s representing a variety of businesses from different industries which combined contribute almost half of New Zealand’s emissions.
The CEO’s joined forces to tackle the issue of climate change with the Sustainable Business Council (SBC) – a global network partner of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development.
The goal of the new group – which includes the leaders of Synlait Milk, Z Energy, Westpac, Ngāi Tahu Holdings, Vector, Air New Zealand, Spark and NZ Post – is to help New Zealand transition to a low emissions economy and, in doing so, create a positive future for New Zealanders, business, and the economy.
“I’m proud that Synlait Milk is one of the first 60 businesses to form the Climate Leaders Coalition,” said John Penno, CEO and Managing Director.
“By signing the agreement, we’ve reiterated our commitment to measure and report our greenhouse gas emissions with a collective view to reduce emissions with the aim of helping to keep global warming within two degrees, as specified in the Paris Agreement,” said Mr Penno.
As a recent member of the SBC, Synlait shares their commitment and alignment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals for 2030.
The SBC plays an important role as an advisory board to its members providing knowledge, tools and support to help mainstream sustainability within the New Zealand business community.
“We’re looking forward to working closely with the SBC community to learn from each other as we work towards achieving our sustainability targets,” says Hamish Reid, Synlait’s Director of Sustainability and Brand.
For more information about the Climate Leaders Coalition and the CEO Climate Change Statement, visit www.climateleaderscoalition.org.nz
For more information contact:
Dan Walraven
Communications Manager, Synlait Milk
P: +64 27 836 7532
E: daniel.walraven@synlait.com