20 February 2023
Synlait provides SAMR audit update

Synlait Milk Limited (Synlait) has been notified by the Ministry for Primary Industries, on behalf of the
State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR), that the process for an on-site verification audit for
the SAMR re-registration will commence at Synlait’s Dunsandel facility in the week of 20 February
2023. The commencement of this audit process follows the technical dossier review process.
As the manufacturer of The a2 Milk Company’s Chinese labelled 至初® Infant Formula, the SAMR
registration for that product is held by Synlait. Re-registration of the product is required under China’s
new GB (food safety) legislation standards. The on-site verification audit is the last step in the reregistration process before requesting final approval by SAMR.
Synlait CEO Grant Watson commented: “We’re pleased to have certainty around the audit process
timing, as is our strategic customer and shareholder, The a2 Milk Company.”
For more information contact:
Hannah Lynch
Head of Corporate Affairs & Brand
P: +64 21 252 8990
E: hannah.lynch@synlait.com