26 May 2017

Synlait Milk (NZX: SML; ASX: SM1) has welcomed Antony Moess to the Senior Leadership Team as General Manager, Manufacturing.
With more than 20 years’ international experience in the dairy industry, Mr Moess has worked in a number of countries including New Zealand, South East Asia and the Middle East.
“Antony has held a number of senior roles throughout his career and we are looking look forward to utilising that experience in our Senior Leadership Team,” says John Penno, Managing Director and CEO.
Most recently Mr Moess was based in Singapore as Fonterra Brand’s General Manager Operations and Supply Chain for Asia, Middle East and Africa. He was responsible for the strategy and performance of manufacturing and supply chains across nine operating companies and in this role he implemented best practice manufacturing systems and processes across the region.
Prior to this he spent several years overseeing the manufacturing network strategy and operations excellence programs for 29 sites, nine of which were third party manufacturers.
“Antony has a real passion for leading manufacturing operations. His vast experience will add to our existing capability and his ability to focus on both his team and operational demands will be well received,” said Dr Penno.
Mr Moess holds a Bachelor of Food Technology and a Post Graduate Diploma of Business and Administration from Massey University. He will begin at Synlait in mid-July.
For more information, please contact:
Jessica Horne
Communications Advisor, Synlait Milk
P: +64 27 548 4895
E: Jessica.horne@synlait.com www.synlait.com