01 December 2021
Sustainability Report Released: GHG Improvements Exceed Expectations

Synlait Milk Limited (Synlait) today published its Sustainability Report which demonstrates a significant improvement in the milk nutrition company’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
Synlait’s on-farm emissions intensity, per kg of milk solids, reduced 5% over the past year, or 10% compared to our FY18 base year when targets were first established. Total off-farm (scope 1 and 2) emissions have remained stable since last year, however, emissions intensity per kg of product, has reduced by 24% compared to FY18.
Synlait Director – Sustainability, Brand, Beverages and Cream Hamish Reid commented: “Our sustainability journey started in 2017, when we realised that business could no longer talk about, and plan for, perpetual continuity. Since then, we have chosen to pivot, building, and delivering on, our sustainability strategy, and we are making some impressive gains, which have exceeded our own expectations.”
“We still have a long way to go – as a company, as an industry, and as a country, but here at Synlait we are determined to change, and to inspire others to join us.”
This is Synlait’s third sustainability report which reviews the company’s social and environmental performance and achievements for the year ended 31 July 2021. The full Sustainability Report can be viewed here.
Synlait’s Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report can be viewed here.
For more information contact:
Jessica Thorn
Senior Communications Advisor
P: +64 27 548 4895
E: jessica.thorn@synlait.com